全球视野 | 不满于传统慈善事业:Solidaire如何让捐赠人的财富立刻发挥作用?










Who’s Who in American Wealth Are Putting Their ‘Money to Work Now’ With Donor Network Solidaire





Michael Kaminer



文章《Who’s Who in American Wealth Are Putting Their ‘Money to Work Now’ With Donor Network Solidaire/美国财富界的名人正通过捐赠人网络Solidaire将他们的“钱用到刀刃上”》发布在巴伦周刊/Barron's上,作者是Michael Kaminer。《巴伦周刊》涵盖美国金融信息、市场发展和相关统计数据。文章介绍了一个名为Solidaire的捐赠人网络,Solidaire的400名成员囊括了美国财富界的名人,其大多数成员都是对传统慈善不满的捐赠人,他们不满其缓慢的进展和对“试验”的恐惧,他们希望可以立刻把捐赠的资金“用在刀刃上”。文章随后分享了与Solidaire 执行董事拉贾斯维尼·班萨里的采访,就该组织的理念和实践做了更详细的介绍。




The elevator pitch for Rajasvini Bhansali’s role as executive director of Solidaire is to “organize donors and funders to move critical resources to social movements,” she says. 




But that doesn’t tell the whole story of the organization. 




Solidaire’s 400 members include a who’s-who of American wealth, from California philanthropist Susan Pritzker and daughter Regan to Qualcomm heirs Sam and Beth Jacobs to Brooke Lehman of Lehman Brothers lineage. Oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix co-founded Solidaire in 2012, inspired by Occupy Wall Street protests the previous year. 


Solidaire的400名成员包括了美国财富界的名人,从加州慈善家Susan Pritzker和她的女儿Regan,到高通公司继承人Sam Jacobs和Beth Jacobs,再到雷曼兄弟的Brooke Lehman。石油继承人Leah Hunt-Hendrix受2011年的“占领华尔街”抗议活动的启发,于2012年和他人共同创立了Solidaire组织。 


Most of the members of the Oakland, Calif.-based Solidaire are donors dissatisfied with conventional philanthropy, its sclerotic pace, and its fear of “experimentation,” Bhansali says. 




Often, membership means breaking with a family’s pet causes or long-supported charities. Solidaire’s grantmaking areas include Black-led social-change organizations, Indigenous reproductive justice, and protections for movement organizers under legal or physical threats. 




“Younger inheritors today are incredibly skillful at moving along their parents’ generation and their wealth managers without losing those connections―and without rejecting how their wealth was built,” Bhansali says in an interview. “There will always be people who think ‘My philanthropy is my legacy and my ego.’ But most know it’s more effective to collaborate, and that’s what we help them do.” 




Bhansali, a native of India who studied astrophysics at the University of California, Berkeley and earned a master’s degree in Public Policy at the University of Texas, is the author of Leading with Joy: Practices for Uncertain Times, a handbook on “compassion-centered” leadership released in 2022. Before joining Solidaire in 2018, Bhansali was executive director of global nonprofit Thousand Currents, which funds community programs in Africa, Asia, and South America. “I spent time in rural Kenya and rural India,” she says. “It changed my way of looking at the world, and how grassroots innovation happens.” 


拉贾斯维尼·班萨里是印度人,曾在加州大学伯克利分校学习天体物理学,并在得克萨斯大学获得公共政策硕士学位。班萨里是《Leading with Joy: Practices for Uncertain Times/以快乐引领:不确定时期的实践》一书的作者,这是一本“以同情为中心”的、关于领导力的手册,于2022年发行。在2018年加入Solidaire之前,班萨里是全球非营利组织Thousand Currents的执行董事,该组织为非洲、亚洲和南美洲的社区项目提供资金。班萨里说:“我在肯尼亚农村和印度农村待过一段时间,它改变了我看待世界的方式,以及关于基层创新是如何发生的想法。”



How much money has Solidaire directed to its target organizations?


Rajasvini Bhansali


Since 2020, we’ve moved US$42 million through pooled funds and multiyear gifts. But our members have donated much more on their own. We had a goal of moving US$1 billion to social movements over a decade, from 2019 until 2029. We found our members had themselves moved US$830 million from 2019 through 2022. They did it independently, but many credit Solidaire with helping shape how much they give, and where. 





Is there a discrepancy between wealth creation and philanthropy?


Rajasvini Bhansali


That’s the whole reason for our existence―disproportionate wealth amidst deep inequality on one hand, and the idea that people should just know how and where to give away money on the other. From the beginning, our mission has been to help people do more, develop a consciousness, and understand that the wealth they’ve accumulated came on the backs of exploitation. It’s not about charity; it’s about social good. Freedom depends on the ability not to live in an unequal society. 





Legacy wealth might come with a history, but why would you qualify AI or tech fortunes as exploitative?


Rajasvini Bhansali


That’s not the same generational wealth as an oil or gas heir, sure. But AI privileges a particular kind of workforce to the end we’ve seen in this country and all over the world. There’s a rising tide of worker strikes and a loss of jobs. You could argue that tech fortunes have been built at the expense of working-class people. That kind of disproportionate wealth has a societal cost. 





In a nutshell, what’s wrong with traditional philanthropy?


Rajasvini Bhansali


Traditional philanthropy as we know it is a tax haven. The highest standard for good traditional philanthropy is that a minimum 5% of a foundation’s assets need to get paid out annually to get tax breaks. But that 5% might include what families pay themselves and their advisers—the “expenses.” It’s not 5% going toward public benefit. So we have 95% of the wealth sitting there, waiting for some rainy day, while we’re facing a massive climate crisis with a ticking clock. Our belief is, let’s liberate this wealth now. Let’s put the money to work now. 




Traditional philanthropy also doesn’t go far enough to teach people of wealth the skills of influence and organization. 





What can someone learn from Solidaire if they’re not wealthy, but would like to give more effectively?


Rajasvini Bhansali


First, get involved. Find local community organizations that have a vision for a just society. Volunteer for them, door-knock, and get to know people who are organized and meeting needs in your community. 




Second, give to organizations locally, regionally, or nationally that have a long-term strategy.  Even as we focus on immediate needs, it’s important that we’re oriented around building power in the long term. We have a list of who we fund, and why, on our site. It’s not prescriptive, but can provide useful criteria. Third, we’re in an important electoral year. Choose what kind of ballot measures you want to get involved in to create change. 





Who’s doing it right when it comes to philanthropy and giving?


Rajasvini Bhansali


A lot of people. We can only exist because there’s an entire ecosystem of changemakers, whether it’s foundations or community groups. Our lane is to organize people with wealth. But we collaborate with others who have a similar mandate. 





Is Solidaire successful because high-net-worth people trust other high-net-worth people?


Rajasvini Bhansali


Most people are attracted to us for a community and what I’d call a political home. They can practice a new view of the world and make connections with others who are giving. They’re often in spaces where they’re told how they should behave. But humans need spaces where they can be human. We share practices to allow them to be courageous and vulnerable at the same time, and realize it’s OK to fail and make mistakes. 




*This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 







Pooled Fund

pooled v.共享;合办;以(资金等)入股















