全球视野 | FastCompany评选的2024年最具创新性的企业社会责任公司是哪10家?










The most innovative corporate social responsibility companies in 2024



Fast Company





文章《The most innovative corporate social responsibility companies in 2024/2024年最具创新性的企业社会责任公司》发布在FastCompany上。文章评选了10家2024年最具创新性的企业社会责任公司。文章指出,现在企业社会责任倡议已成为任何一家大公司的头等大事。虽然捐赠资金或提供公益服务无疑是件好事,但许多这类项目的影响力可能很小或微不足道。文章认为在最具创新性的情况下,企业社会责任倡议可以利用公司在市场中的地位,帮助推动所在行业发生实质性变化,或找到减少自身运营影响的方法。




A corporate social responsibility initiative is now tablestakes for any large company. But while giving away money or offering pro bono services are undoubtedly good, the impact of many of these programs may be small or tangential. At their most innovative, CSR initiatives can leverage the position of a company in the marketplace to help push for substantial change to the sector in which they operate or find ways to lessen the impact of their own operations. 




United Airlines, for instance, launched and is investing heavily in a fund designed to help develop new sustainable aviation fuel to clean up air travel. Starbucks is working to put EV chargers in the parking lots of its stores to help its customers eliminate emissions. And pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences is supporting programs that help serve people living with AIDS. 




Other companies are leveraging their expertise to serve the wider world. Verizon is creating a fleet of vehicles to help first responders stay connected after disasters, including mounting a mini cell tower to a drone to create roving coverage. Mastercard’s Center for Inclusive Growth is pushing to add businesses to the future economy by connecting them to tech mentors who can help digitize their businesses. And Glossier offers funding to small, Black-owned beauty brands, to help expand the offerings for people underserved by bigger cosmetic companies. 






For bringing service to first responders in even the most extreme circumstances


After a natural disaster, disrupted cell service can hinder emergency response. Verizon works to prevent this through its Frontline Crisis Response Team, which helps governments and communities after disasters. 




In March 2023, the team rolled out new technology to help in life-threatening situations. First, it mounted a mini cell tower to a drone to create roving coverage, allowing first responders to communicate even when telecom infrastructure has been completely destroyed. 




Verizon also debuted the Verizon Rapid Response Connectivity Unit designed to give communications access to 120 people in even the most extreme situations. The 6 foot by 2 foot ruggedized device includes 5G and two kinds of satellite internet, and even a gas generator. The company rolled out the Mobile Connectivity Agile Vehicle in March as well, a modified electric motorcycle capable of providing communications capabilities when operating in areas where traditional vehicles can’t reach, like the narrow, hard-to-access trails that wildland firefighters use deep in a forest. Now they are able to access satellite connectivity directly on the front lines. 




At year end, Verizon reported that it delivered almost 7,000 devices to public safety officials and deployed its first-responder tools 789 times. 






For investing in the future of fuel


United launched the United Airlines Ventures (UAV) Sustainable Flight Fund in February 2023, a first-of-its-kind investment fund designed to support startups innovating to decarbonize air travel. The fund accelerates the research, production, and technologies associated with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). 




SAF is a lower-carbon-footprint switch from normal jet fuel, made from many forms of waste, from agricultural and forestry residues to solid waste streams. Decarbonizing airplanes is more challenging than electrifying ground transportation, but what makes SAF promising is that you can use it in existing aircraft without making modifications to the engines. 




The Sustainable Flight Fund now has more than $200 million in partner contributions from a variety of industries, including competing airlines, oil producers, and the banking industry. (Customers can also contribute $1 to $7 when purchasing their tickets; more than 115,000 United customers have contributed more than $500,000 since February 2023). Additionally in 2023, United became the first U.S. airline to develop a tool that shows customers an estimate of each flight’s carbon footprint in their booking search. 






For funding the fight against health disparities


Gilead Sciences made its name over the last several decades developing innovative antiviral treatments, primarily for HIV and AIDS. Now a blue-chip pharma company with a $100 billion market cap, it’s devoting millions to helping fight AIDS in places where it remains a disproportionately high threat to public health. 




The company committed $3 million in grant funding in March 2023 to organizations working to provide services to communities impacted by HIV in rural areas in the United States, part of the company’s Zeroing In program, which launched in 2021 to support organizations working in communities most impacted by the HIV epidemic. 


在2023年3月,该公司承诺提供300万美元的赠款资金用于支持在美国农村地区为受HIV影响的社区提供服务的组织。这也是该公司在2021年启动的“归零(Zeroing In)项目”的一部分。 


In July, the company also debuted its Setting the P.A.C.E. Initiative, a three-year, $10 million commitment to increase HIV prevention and health equity for Black women and girls in the U.S.—while reducing stigma associated with the disease—by providing funding to high-impact organizations. 


今年7月,该公司还首次推出了Setting the P.A.C.E. Initiative计划。该计划为期三年,投入1000万美元,通过向影响力大的组织提供资金,加强美国黑人妇女和女孩的艾滋病预防和健康平等,同时减少与该疾病相关的耻辱感。 


Gilead also recently launched an $8 million grant program called ReLink, designed to bring care to people who have diagnosed but untreated hepatitis B or C, funding organizations working to identify and fix the moments that cause these patients to exit the health care system. 






For supporting literacy and offering mentorship to at-risk youth in underserved communities


Estée Lauder was a visionary founder who built an iconic cosmetics company at a time when most women did not start companies or even have jobs outside the home. Today, her company, which is now valued at $50 billion, invests in future generations of young women who could similarly defy expectations if given the opportunity. 




In collaboration with the poet Amanda Gorman, The Estée Lauder Companies’ first global changemaker, the company helped create a multi-pronged literacy initiative dubbed Writing Change. First unveiled in late 2022, the three-year initiative made significant impact in its first year which ended in December. WriteGirl, a nonprofit which creates writing workshops and offers mentorships, publishing opportunities, and college prep support, was able to help 500 young people polish their skills. 


雅诗兰黛公司与诗人阿曼达·戈尔曼(雅诗兰黛公司的首位全球“变革者”)合作,共同发起了一项名为 “写作变革(Writing Change)”的、多管齐下的扫盲行动。这项为期三年的倡议于2022年底首次推出,在2023年12月结束的第一年就产生了重大影响。WriteGirl是一家非营利性机构,致力于创建写作讲习班,并提供辅导、出版机会和大学预科支持,帮助500名年轻人提高了写作技巧。 


Girls Write Now served 600 young mentees and mentors—cisgender, transgender, and gender expansive— in 30 U.S. states. The Estée Lauder Companies and the American Library Association’s Civic Imagination Station program paired libraries and local artists to establish arts-based projects that focused on often-underrepresented communities. 


Girls Write Now为美国30个州的600名年轻被指导者和指导者提供服务,其中包括顺性别者(自我性别认定和出生时的生物性别相同的人)、变性者和性别扩展者(指仍在探索其性别表达和/或性别认同可能性的年轻人)。雅诗兰黛公司和美国图书馆协会的“公民想象站(Civic Imagination Station)”计划,为图书馆和当地艺术家牵线搭桥,建立以艺术为基础的项目,重点关注被忽视的社区。 


The company also advocated for representation in literature with the organization We Need Diverse Books (WNDB), which sent more than 600 books by Native and Black authors to educators across 13 states, making sure that low-income schools have diverse books that reflect their students’ lives. WNDB also brought Black and Native writers to speak to nearly 1,200 students nationwide, helping them tell their stories. 





For financing cutting-edge climate solutions


For a few years now, payments processor Stripe has used its own dollars and contributions from its customers to fund the cutting edge of climate tech. In 2023, Stripe took the next step and made it possible for its customers to take advantage of those investments. 




Climate Orders, launched in November, allows Stripe customers to easily buy carbon removal credits with just a few clicks. If companies have specific climate commitments to reach, they can also preorder precise numbers of tons of carbon removal ahead of time. Climate Orders also offers the ability for those businesses to offer carbon removal to their customers. 


Climate Orders于11月推出,Stripe客户只需点击几下,即可轻松购买碳减排信用额度。如果企业要实现特定的气候承诺,还可以提前预订精确的碳减排吨数。Climate Orders还能让这些企业向其客户提供碳清除服务。 


This is all possible through Stripe’s access to Frontier Climate, an organization managed by Stripe cofounders Patrick and John Collison, that has committed $1 billion in carbon-removal projects from not only Stripe but also Alphabet, Shopify, Meta, and McKinsey. 


这一切都要归功于Stripe与Frontier Climate的合作。Frontier Climate是由Stripe联合创始人帕特里克·科里森和约翰·科里森管理的一个组织。该组织不仅向Stripe,还向Alphabet、Shopify、Meta和McKinsey承诺了10亿美元的碳减排项目。 


The commitment to buy credits can help nascent carbon-removal companies secure funding—and now smaller businesses can join that list of blue-chip funders to also help power the future of climate tech. 






For creating jobs for refugees and asylum seekers


Ikea, the world’s largest furniture retailer, operates 471 stores in 63 global markets, opened 71 new locations in 2023, and employs almost 220,000 people. With such a significant presence in so many disparate communities, the company has been committed to helping refugees and asylum seekers find long-term employment in a variety of ways. 




In Australia, for example, the company announced in June that that its pilot Refugee Workforce Inclusion program will transition from eight weeks of paid work placement to more permanent employment opportunities. Ikea’s Skills for Employment program gives displaced people the opportunity to develop local language skills, experience operating within Ikea’s corporate culture, and earn a living wage, receiving at least a recommendation and ideally employment at the end. 


例如,在澳大利亚,该公司于2023年6月宣布,其“难民劳动力融入(Refugee Workforce Inclusion)”试点计划将从为期八周的带薪工作安置,过渡到更长期的就业机会。宜家的“就业技能(Skills for Employment)”计划,为流离失所者提供了发展当地语言技能、体验在宜家企业文化中工作以及赚取生活费的机会,并在计划结束时至少获得一份工作推荐,最理想的情况是获得就业机会。 


Ikea, which had set a goal of helping 2,500 people between 2019 and 2023, ended up supporting almost 3,000 people. The war in Ukraine inspired a Displaced Talent Framework within the company, emphasizing being able to transition people who are ready to work and don’t need the kind of job training that epitomizes Skills for Employment. 


宜家的目标是在2019年至2023年期间帮助2500人,但最终帮助了近3000人。俄乌冲突激发了该公司内部的“流离失所人才框架(Displaced Talent Framework)”。该框架强调能够让那些准备好工作、不需要就业技能培训的人过渡到工作岗位上。 


Displaced Talent had helped another 332 workers by end of 2023. These wins inspired the company to increase its pledge to find jobs for refugees. During December 2023’s United Nations refugee forum, Ikea stated its goal to help another 3,000 displaced people by the end of 2027. 






For supporting global small-business growth into the digital economy


The philanthropic hub of the credit-card giant Mastercard has a goal to bring 1 billion people and 50 million small businesses into the digital economy by 2025. It’s doing this by offering grants through the Mastercard Impact Fund, which in 2023 gave $68 million to small businesses and entrepreneurs around the world to improve access to capital and digital tools and increase the financial mobility of the workforce. 


信用卡巨头万事达(Mastercard)的慈善中心的目标是,到2025年,将10亿人和5000万家小企业带入数字经济。为了实现这一目标,万事达卡通过万事达卡影响基金(Mastercard Impact Fund)提供资助。该基金在2023年向世界各地的小企业和企业家提供了6800万美元的资助,以改善他们获得资金和数字工具的渠道,并提高劳动力的金融流动性。 


In December 2023, for example, Mastercard partnered with Consumers International, the global umbrella organization for consumer rights groups, to modernize digital financial protection systems so that underserved communities are not disproportionately the victims of the billions lost annually to fraudulent schemes. 


例如,2023年12月,万事达卡与“国际消费者协会(Consumers International)”(一家关于消费者权益的全球伞式组织)合作,对数字金融保护系统进行现代化改造,从而使那些得不到充分服务的社区,不再成为每年因诈骗而损失数十亿美元的受害者。 


Mastercard also grew its Strive initiative, which launched in 2022 to help global small businesses raise capital and gain digital know-how. The program has supported the deployment of more than $20 billion in capital to small businesses. It does this by supporting the small banks and credit unions that are often the best sources of capital for underserved business, funding organizations that link small businesses with tech partners to help them digitally transform, and providing networks that can offer expert skills and coaching for growing small businesses. 




The initiative has been so successful in the United States that Mastercard expanded Strive in 2023 to Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. 





For bringing AI to social impact


As venture capital dollars continue to flow rapidly into the AI sector, the use cases for the technology are increasingly commercial. But there are many ways it could help purpose-driven organizations, though they may not have the funds available. To create this possibility, last summer Salesforce launched Salesforce Accelerator—AI for Impact, with a mission of giving $2 million to purpose-driven organizations to adopt and invest in emerging AI tech. 


随着风险资本持续快速流入人工智能领域,该技术的使用案例也越来越商业化。不过,人工智能还能以多种方式,帮助以目标为导向的组织,尽管它们可能没有足够的资金。为了创造这种可能性,去年夏天,Salesforce推出了Salesforce AI for Impact加速器,其使命是向目的驱动型组织提供200万美元,用于采用和投资新兴的人工智能技术。 


The accelerator has deployed its pool of funding (as well as consulting from Salesforce experts) to organizations that fit within Salesforce’s broader philanthropic mission of workforce expansion. One grantee, Beyond 12—an Oakland, California-based nonprofit which works with first-generation college students and educational institutions to give them the tools they need to help those students graduate—now uses AI to determine which students need their support and recommend specific ways to offer it. 


加速器已将其资金池(以及来自Salesforce专家的咨询)分配给符合Salesforce希望扩大劳动力这一更广泛慈善使命的组织。其中一家受资助机构Beyond 12,是一家总部位于加利福尼亚奥克兰的非营利组织,该组织与第一代大学生和教育机构合作,为他们提供帮助这些学生毕业所需的工具。 


It’s also automating and creating tailored content sourced from more than 4,000 college websites to help its users find higher-education opportunities. The U.K.-based Teacher Development Trust has developed an AI assistant to role-play how to handle challenging classroom situations, and higher-ed prep organization College Possible implemented an AI-driven platform with personalized recommendations that enable coaches to better position students from underserved communities for college admissions. 


该加速器还从4000多个大学网站上,自动获取并创建量身定制的内容,帮助用户寻找高等教育机会。总部位于英国的教师发展信托(Teacher Development Trust)开发了一款人工智能助手,用角色扮演来处理具有挑战性的课堂情况;高等教育预科机构“College Possible”启动了一个人工智能驱动的平台,该平台提供个性化建议,使教练们在大学入学过程中,能够更好地定位来自于缺乏服务社区的学生



For democratizing the world of beauty products


Glossier, the beauty upstart, has always presented a diverse array of people—on both social media and in major marketing campaigns—using its products to convey an accessible image. In the wake of the 2020 racial reckoning, Glossier started to do more than just present an inclusive image by creating its Grant Program for Black-Owned Beauty Businesses to solve a deep problem within the industry: While Black beauty consumers spend $6.6 billion annually on beauty products (11% of the U.S. beauty market), Black-owned brands only receive 2.4% of that revenue. 




While many companies’ similar initiatives saw budget cuts or were sunset entirely in 2023, Glossier expanded, bringing the grant program to the U.K., while continuing to fund it in the U.S., bringing the total it’s donated to $1.4 million. 




Grantees include such companies as Soss, which makes products for Black men, and Flora & Noor, which offers halal cosmetics. These grantees and others have seen increased investment, won Allure’s Best of Beauty recognition, and scored distribution in Walmart, Target, and Ulta stores. 


获得资助的公司包括为黑人男性生产产品的Soss公司和提供清真化妆品的Flora & Noor公司。这些受资助公司和其他公司都获得了更多的投资,赢得了《Allure》杂志“最佳美容”的认可,并在沃尔玛、Target和Ulta商店销售。




For electrifying the coffee run


Starbucks’s origins as a small city coffeehouse notwithstanding, most customers these days drive to pick up their coffee. In 2023 the company began to rethink how those drivers might use the restaurants’ parking lots, installing 50 fast chargers at 15 Starbucks locations on the 1,350-mile route between Denver and Seattle. The chargers (part of a partnership with Volvo) are placed roughly every 100 miles in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, making it possible to easily make the whole trip between the two cities without running out of battery power. 




The pilot network is part of the coffee company’s goal to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030. This includes not just the obvious sources like producing the coffee and powering the stores, but also the emissions in its entire value chain—which includes every person who drives to any Starbucks. 




The new network will be the start of lowering those emissions to help meet that goal. Many of the chargers are also located in Federal Opportunity Zones, providing more charging access to communities that are underserved by the charging network. 








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