全球视野 | 重要的是你是否把火扑灭了,而不是用了多少水:企业志愿服务的影响力应该如何衡量?





How To Measure the Impact of Corporate Volunteering



Laura Steele


3BL CSRwire



文章《How To Measure the Impact of Corporate Volunteering/如何衡量企业志愿服务的影响力?》发布在3BL CSRwire上。这是一个专注于企业社会责任 (CSR) 的重要新闻和更新的实时来源。作者Laura Steele来自SUBMITTABLE,这是一个社会影响力平台,被公司、政府和慈善组织用来管理他们的社会影响力项目并使其影响力最大化。文章认为在企业志愿服务这方面,人们有时候更重视投入而不是产出,更重视过程而不是人。因此作者建议通过影响力评估,来帮助人们更有意识地去定义和识别企业志愿服务的“影响力”。并指出可以从衡量参与者、企业、非营利机构和社区这四个方面的影响力来入手。




Too often, in an effort to track something, corporate social responsibility and ESG leaders focus on metrics that don’t hold much meaning. When it comes to employee volunteering specifically, there’s a pervasive “check-the-box” mentality that values inputs over outputs and processes over people. 




For instance, the number of volunteer hours your team logs (input) doesn’t mean much if most of the time was spent sitting around waiting for instructions instead of doing work that actually improves peoples’ lives (outcome). 




In contrast, impact measurement seeks to understand the relationship between your efforts and real, meaningful outcomes. You want to know: are you moving the needle? 




Impact measurement requires you to be more intentional about how you define and identify “impact.” This effort will not only help your team understand your program’s ROI today, it will help you evolve your initiatives to be more meaningful for your business, your employees, and the community in the long term. 






Track the true impact of corporate volunteering


Impact measurement is a guide, not a grade. You’re not trying to slap a passing or failing grade on your program. Rather, you’re earnestly asking tough questions about how your efforts make change. 



Does your employee volunteer program: 



  • Create positive change in the community? 

  • 在社区创造积极的变化? 


  • Tap into your organization’s full potential? 

  • 充分发挥你组织的潜力? 


  • Successfully engage your employees? 

  • 成功地吸引你的员工? 


  • Provide the right framework for a transformative experience? 

  • 为变革性的经验提供了正确的框架? 


  • Give meaningful support to your nonprofit partners? 

  • 为你的非营利合作伙伴提供有意义的支持?

These questions are large and unwieldy. There’s rarely a simple answer, and it can be difficult to tie specific inputs to clear and quantifiable outcomes. 




To measure the impact of corporate volunteering, you have to embrace the complexity. Here’s how. 






Prioritize outcomes over activities


The activities you do matter much less than what effect you make. Think about it this way: if you’re trying to put out a fire, you wouldn’t measure your success by how many gallons of water you pour on the flames. What matters is if you put the fire out. 




It’s easy to get distracted by measuring inputs (like the amount of water you use), but be sure to tie the inputs you track to the outcomes you want (flames extinguished). Pumping a lot of water may feel important, but if you don’t aim that water at the fire, you’re not having the impact you want. 






Focus on meaningful contributions


As you set goals around specific outcomes, keep in mind that even an incredibly successful volunteer program isn’t going to single-handedly reverse negative trends or solve big issues. Set goals that are not only attainable, but also recognize the role your program plays within the larger context of your company, community, and society as a whole. 




For instance, your program might play a role in increasing employee retention at your company, but that’s not the only factor determining whether people stick around. Other internal initiatives and policies matter along with external market forces. Measuring the impact of corporate volunteering is not about taking full credit for progress, it’s about making a meaningful contribution. 






Consider how metrics are in conversation with one another


As you choose metrics to track, you’ll likely find some overlap. That’s natural. What’s good for employees is often good for the community, which is good for the brand. Be less concerned about drawing hard borders or categories and make space to think about how outcomes might influence one another. 




Now, let’s get into what metrics you might choose to track for your volunteering program. 






Which corporate volunteering metrics should I track?


To measure the impact of corporate volunteering, think about your impact across four categories: participants, corporate, the nonprofit, and the community. 




The people who take part in volunteering stand to benefit from the experience of giving back. 




  • Personal fulfillment: Volunteering can be personally rewarding. A Harvard report found that “higher levels of volunteer work were associated with higher levels of overall life satisfaction.” 

  • 个人成就感:志愿服务可以使个人得到回报。哈佛大学的一份报告发现,“较高的志愿工作水平,与较高的整体生活满意度有关”。 


  • Skills development: As a venue to try on new roles and take risks, volunteering can help support employees’ professional development. One study found that “40–45% of the employee volunteers claimed some level of improvement in skills pertaining to leadership, mentorship, motivating others, project management, and public speaking and presenting.” 

  • 技能发展:作为一个尝试新角色和承担风险的场景,志愿服务可以帮助支持员工的职业发展。一项研究发现,“40-45%的员工志愿者声称在与领导力、指导、激励他人、项目管理、公开演讲有关的技能方面,有了一定程度的提高”。 


  • Exposure to new people and perspectives: Stepping into a volunteer role can enable participants to meet people from different backgrounds and encourage them to be more open to perspectives that differ from their own. 

  • 接触新的人和观点:担任志愿者可以使参与者认识来自不同背景的人,鼓励他们更加开放对待和自己不同的观点。



What metrics to track: 



  • % of employees who participate in volunteering 

  • 参加志愿服务的员工百分比 


  • % of participants who would recommend volunteering to others 

  • 愿意向他人推荐志愿服务的参与者百分比 


  • % of volunteers who report improved skills 

  • 报告技能提高的志愿者的百分比 


  • % of volunteers who continue to volunteer 

  • 继续志愿服务的志愿者的百分比 


  • Level of engagement in dialogue at the volunteer event 

  • 在志愿活动中加入对话的参与度 


  • Qualitative feedback from volunteers 

  • 来自志愿者的定性反馈


The business itself can benefit from the impact of corporate volunteering. 




  • Brand reputation: 77% of consumers support brands who share their values. Using your resources to give back shows that you’re willing to put your values into action.

  • 品牌声誉:77%的消费者支持那些与他们有共同价值观的品牌。利用你的资源来回馈,表明你愿意将你的价值观付诸行动。


  • Recruitment and retention: CSR efforts can help you stand out from other companies as you vie for top talent. Plus, employees who volunteer are 32% less likely to churn. 

  • 招聘和留存:在争夺顶尖人才的过程中,CSR的工作可以帮助你从其他公司中脱颖而出。此外,参与志愿服务的员工流失的可能性要低32%。 


  • Improved company culture: Volunteering is an exercise in empathy and collaboration, two important building blocks of a healthy team culture. 

  • 改善公司文化:志愿服务是一种同理心和协作的练习,这也是健康团队文化的两个重要组成部分。


What metrics to track: 



  • Customer loyalty metrics like customer satisfaction score 

  • 客户忠诚度指标,如客户满意度得分 


  • Employee retention 

  • 员工留存率 


  • Employee satisfaction metrics like employee net promoter score 

  • 员工满意度指标,如员工净推荐值 


  • % of employees who would recommend the company to a friend 

  • 会向朋友推荐公司的员工百分比

Nonprofit organization/非营利组织

By building partnerships, you can leverage the power of your brand and resources to strengthen community nonprofits. 




  • Increased capacity and reach: More volunteers means more capacity to reach new people and launch new programs. That’s no small thing. A projection from United Way estimated that if each company with the largest revenue headquartered in (or with a major office in) each state implemented one day of volunteer time off, it would add 75 million volunteer hours—that’s 9 million days—to the nonprofit capacity. 

  • 增加能力和范围:更多的志愿者意味着有更多的能力去接触新的人和启动新的项目。这不是一件小事。据联合之路United Way的预测,如果每一家总部设在每个州(或在每个州设有主要办事处)的、收入最高的公司实施一天的志愿者假期,将为非营利组织增加7500万个志愿小时,也就是900万天。


  • Improved strategic planning and innovation: With volunteer support, nonprofit staff have more time to dedicate to the deeper strategic planning and innovation that’s necessary for long-term success. 

  • 改善战略规划和创新:在志愿者的支持下,非营利组织的工作人员有更多的时间致力于更深层次的战略规划和创新,这是长期成功的必要条件。 


  • Name recognition and credibility: By partnering with a nonprofit, you can help increase their brand awareness in the community, helping them secure even more support. 

  • 知名度和可信度:通过与非营利组织的合作,你可以帮助提高他们在社区的品牌知名度,帮助他们获得更多的支持。


What metrics to track: 



  • Volunteer hours contributed 

  • 贡献的志愿时间 


  • Increase in nonprofit outputs 

  • 非营利组织产出的增加 


  • Number of beneficiaries reached 

  • 受益者人数 


  • Number of new donations secured 

  • 获得的新捐款数额 


  • New partnerships formed 

  • 形成的新伙伴关系 


  • New programs launched by the nonprofit 

  • 非营利组织启动的新项目


 An effective volunteer program not only benefits the institutions and participants, but it makes a meaningful difference in the lives of community members. 




  • Increased access to services: Meeting people’s basic needs can have a profound impact on their ability to thrive. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that food insecurity, for example, was “associated with poorer mental health and specific psychosocial stressors.” 

  • 更多地获得服务:满足人们的基本需求可以对他们蓬勃发展的能力产生深远影响。发表在《美国预防医学杂志》上的一项研究发现,例如,粮食不安全“与较差的心理健康和特定的社会心理压力有关”。 


  • Improved quality of life: No matter what causes your volunteers are dedicated to, they have the potential to improve the quality of life for the whole community, whether that’s through direct service work with people or projects that improve communal spaces and resources. 

  • 改善生活质量:无论您的志愿者致力于什么事业,他们都有可能改善整个社区的生活质量,无论是通过直接对人的服务工作,还是通过改善公共空间和资源的项目。 


  • Deeper awareness of community needs: A volunteer program is also a natural way to draw attention to a cause. As volunteers learn more about community needs, they become advocates, spreading awareness and building support for new initiatives and policies. 

  • 对社区需求有更深的认识:志愿项目也是一种自然的方式来吸引人们对一项事业的关注。当志愿者更多地了解社区需求时,他们就会成为倡导者,传播意识,并为新的倡议和政策建立支持。


What metrics to track: 



  • Number of people served 

  • 服务的人数 


  • Qualitative feedback from community members 

  • 社区成员的定性反馈 


  • Quality of life metrics like unemployment, mortality, or graduation rate 

  • 生活质量指标,如失业率、死亡率或毕业率




Build the right framework for your volunteer program


Do not try to track all the metrics listed above. If you’re just starting to measure the impact of corporate volunteering, choose one or two meaningful targets and build from there. You don’t want to get so bogged down with reporting that you lose sight of the mission at hand. 




As you build structure around your program, keep in mind that you can rely on systems that are already in place. Rather than starting from scratch, you could use existing: 



  • Employee surveys 

  • 员工调查 


  • Sales and revenue tracking 

  • 销售和收入跟踪 


  • Retention metrics 

  • 留存指标 


  • Nonprofit impact reports 

  • 非营利组织影响力报告 


  • Community statistics and indicators 

  • 社区统计和指标

Identify what levers you think will support change. If employee engagement is one of your goals, you might want to ask yourself what mechanisms are in place to ensure that volunteer events align with employee values. If you can’t point to anything specific, that’s a red flag. You might consider democratizing the process to allow employees a voice in building nonprofit partnerships and planning events. 




Don’t view impact measurement (or your program) as static. You’ll need to stay open to iteration as your team and the community evolves. The right technology can help you manage this dynamic process. 








Environment、Social & Governance

environment n.环境 

social adj.社会的 

governance n.管理











